Parlour, Melanie Kate {I1311}
Gender: Female
Family:Spouse: Stephenson, Blair {I0132}
Gender: Male
Parents:Father: Stephenson, Ernest {I0129}Children:
Mother: Franklin, Wendee {I0108}Stephenson, Samuel Blair {I1312}
b. 19 AUG 1992
Gender: Male
Stephenson, Luke Andrew {I1313}
b. 31 AUG 1994
Gender: Male
Stephenson, Chloe Kate {I1314}
b. 18 APR 1999
Gender: Female
Wilson, Florence {I0138}
Gender: Female
Family:Spouse: Jewitt, Thomas William {I0133}
b. ABT. 1914
d. 5 OCT 1959 Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Children:Jewitt, Robert William {I0004}
Mother:Bromby, Ada Maud {I0005}
Jewitt, Maureen {I0139}
Gender: Female
Clark, Norman Eric {I0143}
b. 24 MAY 1927 East Tottenham, Edmonton
d. 12 JUL 2000 Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father: Clark, James William {I0541}Family:Marriage:24 APR 1948 St.Michael`s and All Angels, Sutton, Hull. E.yorks
Spouse: Jewitt, Margery {I0135}
b. 11 MAR 1927 Hull. E.Yorks
d. 2 JUL 2008 Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father:Children:Jewitt, Robert William {I0004}
Mother:Bromby, Ada Maud {I0005}
Clark, Tony {I0144}
Gender: Male
Clark, Keith {I0145}
Gender: Male
Monaghan, Patricia {I0146}
b. 21 MAY 1937 91, Albert Avenue, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Monaghan, John {I0432}Family:
Mother: Bromby, Olive Gertrude {I0430}Marriage:5 OCT 1957 The Register Office, Hull. E.Yorks
Spouse: Jewitt, Ramon {I0136}
b. 6 DEC 1931 Sculcoates,Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Children:Jewitt, Robert William {I0004}
Mother:Bromby, Ada Maud {I0005}
Jewitt, Sylvia {I0147}
Gender: Female
Jewitt, David {I0148}
Gender: Male
Dale, Deanna {I0149}
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Dale, William Frederick {I0538}Family:Marriage:21 JUL 1962 St. Aidan Church, Southcoates, Hull, E.Yorks
Spouse: Jewitt, Frank {I0137}
b. 1 AUG 1936 Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Jewitt, Robert William {I0004}
Mother:Bromby, Ada Maud {I0005}
Moye, Elsie {I0141}
b. 14 JUL 1923 25, Chirton Green, Tynemouth
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Moye, Frederick John {I0550}Family:Marriage:16 MAR 1946 Tynemouth Parish Church
Spouse: Jewitt, Robert George {I0140}
b. 10 JUN 1920 Clifton Terrace, Hull. E.Yorks
d. 26 SEP 1980 141, Hermes Close, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Children:Jewitt, Robert William {I0004}
Mother:Bromby, Ada Maud {I0005}
Jewitt, Hazel Ann {I0189}
Jewitt, Brenda {I0142}
Griffiths, Owen David {I0188}
b. 6 JUL 1951 Sedgefield, Durham
Gender: Male
Parents:Father: Griffiths, Joseph Morris {I0547}Family:Marriage:20 FEB 1971 Portobello Methodist Church, Hull. E.Yorks
Spouse: Jewitt, Brenda {I0142}
b. 8 OCT 1951 Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Jewitt, Robert George {I0140}
Mother: Moye, Elsie {I0141}
Prissick, Arthur {I0155}
b. ABT. 1899
Gender: Male
Family:Marriage:26 DEC 1931 Hull. E.Yorks
Spouse: Crowe, Hilda {I0151}
b. 30 AUG 1905 Hull. E.Yorks
d. 3 FEB 1988 Kingston General Hospital, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father:Crow, George {I0003}
Mother:Bilton, Emma Jane {I0016}
Easto, Margaret Macdonald Wilson {I0156}
b. 30 JAN 1910 Hull. E.Yorks
d. 24 JUL 1994 12, Foston Grove, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Easto, William George {I0544}Family:Marriage:26 DEC 1934 All Saints Church, Sculcoates, Hull. E.Yorks
Spouse: Crowe, George William {I0152}
b. 15 JAN 1907 York
d. 21 FEB 1996 12, Foston Grove, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Children:Crow, George {I0003}
Mother:Bilton, Emma Jane {I0016}
Crowe, Margaret {I0157}
Carlile, Beatrice Emily {I0158}
b. 3 SEP 1911 21. Churchill Street, Hull
d. 6 APR 2009 Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull. E.Yorks
Gender: Female
Parents:Father: Carlile, John Duncan {I1367}Family:
Mother: Brain, Louisa {I1368}Spouse: Crowe, Robert Henry {I0153}
b. 30 AUG 1908 16. Windsor Street. York
d. 13 APR 2005 Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, E.Yorkshire
Gender: Male
Parents:Father:Children:Crow, George {I0003}
Mother:Bilton, Emma Jane {I0016}
Crowe, Alan {I0159}
Crowe, Janet {I0160}
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